Azure Certificate study guide 2020 (AZ900)
Last 2 weeks I have been studying and preparing for the azure fundamental certificate, AZ900. I have passed successfully this week and really glad to share my achievement and journey.
This certificate focus on basic knowledge of cloud computing and Microsoft azure. For professionals with Azure exposure, aspiring Cloud professionals, those interested in upgrading their skills set with Cloud, and all other IT professionals associated with the Cloud computing, especially the ones who are planning to appear for AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification exam, this article will explain must do’s & don’ts along with detailing the simplest way to clear the certification
Exam flavor:
This exam will take 60mins with 44–45 questions. Remember, some questions are reviewable some are not, so read the question carefully before answer.
There will be multi-select, drag and drop, true/false type questions.
How to prepare
Microsoft Learn:
The best knowledge resource and most helpful. Top on that, it is completely free and well distributed by topics.
Plularsight has its reputation as a premium learning platform. They have monthly subscriptions and various learning paths. It is slightly exorbitant, too many options to choose and confusing in the beginning.
Preparation step:
- Focus on azure exam topic Microsoft regularly change them.
2. Finish all available Microsoft learning path materials.
3. Practice and identify the weak points.
4. Take a special course from Plularsight or any other platform on weak points.
5. Be mentally prepared.
Not to Do:
- Relying only on Dumps.(Question can be very different and dumps are not reliable)
- Relying on mugging-up Online courses
- Running from gaining hands-on experience.
- Considering the exam as ‘not so important’
- Appearing without prior studying
- Do not take this exam if possible. I have faced several issues with that and it is really annoying. The best option is to take it in a test center.